The Joy of Wesak lingers on

The Joy of Wesak lingers on

The joy lingers on for many even after Wesak. Thank you for a fantastic celebration!

The 4-day Wesak Observance at Nalanda Centre had come to an end on 14 May, but the joy lingers on for all of us in Sri Serdang, as we continue to celebrate the success of a meaningful and spiritual Buddha Day.  We are grateful for the support we received from many members, volunteers, sponsors and benefactors who were ever generous with your time and effort, even in the weeks leading up to Wesak.

We would like to thank all participants who came for our many spiritual and educational activities lined up from 11 to 14 May.  This Wesak, we received a record 3,000 visitors to Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang. Thank you for your support and participation!  Wishing everyone much peace, happiness and spiritual progress.  Sadhu anumodana.

May you continue to enjoy the blessings in life!