The ‘real’ Master Xuan Zang 玄奘大師

The ‘real’ Master Xuan Zang 玄奘大師

Come meet the greatest Buddhist figure in Chinese history – Venerable 'Tripitaka Master' Xuan Zang!

Saturday, 1 November | 7.45pm | Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur

This Saturday, Nalanda Buddhist Society proudly presents an original musical by Han Production – ‘Xuan Zang – Journey to the West’ – to be performed at Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur. This fabulous musical depicts the perilous travels of Venerable Master Xuan Zang from China to India and back, in his determined quest to obtain Buddhist teachings and scriptures for his native land.

Xuan Zang studied and later lectured at the famed ‘Nalanda Mahavihara’ of India – the world’s first university. Upon his return to China, Xuan Zang was bestowed the title of “Great Tripitaka Master of Tang Dynasty” (唐三藏) by the Emperor on account of his great scholarship and mastery of Buddhist teachings.

We cordially invite you, your family members and friends to spend an inspiring evening getting to know the ‘real’ Master Xuan Zang! Tickets to the musical are priced at RM130, RM100, and RM50 (specially reserved seats for students). To obtain tickets or for more information on Nalanda’s show, kindly call Joyce Lim (012-212-2878) or Ruby Tan (03-8938-1500).

We look forward to welcoming you to this delightful, magical, and enjoyable musical. Come meet the greatest Buddhist figure in Chinese history! Thank you.


“玄奘大師一生成就輝煌,他萬里西行取經,渡過八百里流沙,抱著「寧向西天一步死,不往東土一步生」的求法決心,歷經重重的艱難困苦,幾度死裏逃生,誓願到達印度【那爛陀】取經,追源考證梵文原典以解眾惑。 中國佛學最偉大之佛學家、譯經家、外交家及地理學家。玄奘大師不僅為中國佛學界一代高僧,亦為世界文化交流史上曠古奇人。” – Aj. Sandy Lim