The Venerable Teacher’s visit

The Venerable Teacher’s visit

Ven. Dr. K Anuruddha signing an autograph commemorating his visit to Sri Serdang in 2000.

From Nalanda’s Archives – In the year 2000, Sri Serdang hosted a visit by eminent Buddhist and Pāli Scholar, the Most Ven. Dr. K Anuruddha Nayaka Thero, the first Vice-Chancellor of the Buddhist & Pāli University of Sri Lanka.  The Venerable was highly respected for his vast learning in the Tipitaka and erudite teachings.  Ven. Anuruddha was also Bro. Tan’s Pāli teacher.  Bro.Tan and the Sri Serdang community were overjoyed when the Venerable teacher took time to visit them, and to encourage them in their learning and practice.