The ‘water simile’ on worldliness

The ‘water simile’ on worldliness

Bro. Tan Siang Chye describing the seven types of individuals found in the world.

Referring to ‘Udakupama Sutta’ of the Anguttara Nikaya, Achariya Siang Chye described the seven types of individuals found in the world.

On Wednesday 15 June, at the weekly group practice, Sis. Buddhinī shared with new participants the basics of meditation.  She explained the purpose of meditation, important factors to consider, the different meditation postures, and led participants through a sitting session.

Following that, Nalanda Institute Director Achariya Tan Siang Chye was invited to give a Dhamma talk to the meditators.  He explained the importance of spiritual qualities which lead us to liberation – the Bodhipakkhiya-dhamma.  Referring to the Udakupama Sutta on the ‘Water Simile’ (Anguttara Nikaya 7.15), Achariya Siang Chye described the seven types of individuals found in the world.  While some people went under the weight of worldliness and remained under it; others rose to the surface but stopped there; and yet some others came out of the water, and went beyond worldliness to become Arahants.

Dhamma talk by Bro. Tan Siang Chye.

Participants were all ears during the Dhamma talk by Bro. Tan Siang Chye.

Achariya Siang Chye urged everyone to cultivate wholesome qualities as taught by the Buddha, and encouraged meditators to aspire to higher spiritual goals of realisation.  It was a timely reminder from him especially during the Gimhāna period.  We thank Achariya Tan Siang Chye for this important sharing.  Sadhu anumodana.

Sis. Buddhinī sharing the basics of meditation.

Sis. Buddhinī sharing the basics of meditation with new participants.