(From right) Nalanda founder and TBCM Adviser Bro. Tan having discussions with TBCM Secretary-General Bro. Lee Kok Cheng, TBCM President Bro. Tan Leng Huat, and former Secretary-General (and current Assistant Secretary) Bro. Ananda Fong.
The leaders of Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) recently paid a courtesy visit to Nalanda Centre to meet with Bro Tan. TBCM President Bro. Tan Leng Huat and Honorary Secretary-General Bro. Lee Kok Cheng were elected to their respective positions following the Council’s Annual General Meeting in May 2016.
The TBCM leaders met Bro.Tan for discussions on the state of Buddhist affairs and to hear his views on several issues. Following the productive meeting, another follow-up visit to Nalanda by the TBCM Executive Committee was immediately scheduled.
It was the first visit for both new TBCM leaders to Nalanda Centre. As such, they were introduced to senior Nalandian officers and brought on a tour of the building. We thank Bro. Tan Leng Huat and Bro. Lee Kok Cheng for their visit, and look forward to welcoming them back to Sri Serdang soon.