‘World Health Day’ on 7 April

‘World Health Day’ on 7 April

7 April is celebrated every year as ‘World Health Day’ to raise awareness on the importance of global health.  Whilst we look to governments and private organizations for health-care facilities and services, we as individuals hold a larger responsibility towards maintaining our own good physical well-being by eating well and having sufficient exercise as a preventive measure.

At the same time, we need to take charge of our mental health, which is integral to our overall well-being, and forms our abilities to build relationships and shape the world we live in.  To train our mind, we can cultivate values such as kindness and compassion which help us stay positive and experience joy.  Developing mindfulness is key in order to train our awareness of thoughts and feelings, so that we can channel them away from pessimism and unconstructive behaviours.

This year, 7 April 2023 also marks the 75 Anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO), which was founded with the aim of promoting health, keeping the world safe and serving the vulnerable – so everyone, everywhere can attain the highest level of health and well-being.  We commend WHO on their efforts to raise the standards of health globally, and also convey our deep appreciation to all health-care workers around the world.