The meeting of good friends with a common mission is a blessed event.
On Sunday 24 March, Nalanda members came together for the Society’s 21st Annual General Meeting. Members received and approved the Board of Management’s 2023 Annual Report, rejoicing in the collaboration and unity of members, supporters, devotees and volunteers in realising the multitude of Dhamma learning programmes for the community.
President of the Society, Sis. Buddhini Tan represented the Board of Management to express appreciation for everyone’s support and continued commitment last year, a testament to our 20th Anniversary theme of “Making Lives More Meaningful”. In addition, Sis. Buddhini encouraged everyone to play our roles in supporting the Society’s initiatives, and enhance our own practice so that collectively, we can play our part to enable others to learn Dhamma.
Members pay tribute to our spiritual teachers in the Achariya Abhivadana ceremony.
Commencing the AGM with offerings and chanting.
Sis. Livin Leow presented the reports for the past year.
Sis. Buddhini shared that the collective efforts of many people have enabled the Society to reach out to the Buddhist community.
Bro. Yap Yi An shared how a Dhamma School student had improved through the support of good spiritual friends.
We take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to all members for your continued efforts and support. Let us be unrelentless in our Dhamma propagation mission for the benefit of all beings. Sadhu anumodana.
Sis. Sandy Lim also shared about the encouraging progress of Nalanda Institute’s students.
In Ven. Visālo’s ‘ovada’, drawing on his years of training and service.
By taking time to understand each other better, we can overcome any challenges with the support of the community.
Celebrating birthdays of good spiritual friends.