Tribute to an Exemplary Dhammaduta

Tribute to an Exemplary Dhammaduta

A standing ovation for Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama going on stage.

On Friday 2 January, Nalanda Institute Malaysia conferred the ‘2015 NALANDA AWARD IN DHAMMADUTA’ to Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama in recognition of his four decades of exemplary services to the Buddha-Sasana.

 Achariya Vijaya is a highly-regarded elder who has been serving the Buddhist community selflessly as a Dhamma speaker, author, and editor.  His tireless efforts have brought Buddhist education in Malaysia to greater heights.  His sincerity, enthusiasm and bountiful energy in rendering this noble service have touched the lives of many, giving people a good start in their journey to learn and practise the Buddha’s teaching with stronger faith. 

Achariya Vijaya humbly acknowledging the Award Citation.

We rejoice with his many remarkable achievements in bringing happiness and harmony to the community.  May Achariya Vijaya be blessed with good health and energy to continue propagating the Dhamma.  Bhavatu sabba mangalam!

Achariya Vijaya presenting a bouquet of flowers to his wife Aunty Amitha, the ‘pillar of support’ all the way for him to serve the Buddha-Sasana.