True Significance of Wesak

True Significance of Wesak

On 11 & 12 May, an introductory course to explain the true significance of Wesak was held at Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang and NEO @ Happy Garden respectively.

Wesak Day commemorates the Birth, Enlightenment and Passing Away of the Buddha. These events took place on the full-moon day in the lunar month of Vesākha. This year, in Malaysia, Wesak Day is observed on 24 May. 

Chuckles of laughter that never fail to be heard during Uncle Vijaya’s sessions!

Learning about the life of the Buddha and the rarity of His appearance in this world helped the participants to appreciate the preciousness of the Dhamma. As Buddhists, let us all come together to celebrate Wesak in a meaningful way!

At Nalanda, the Wesak Observance will span four days from 23 – 26 May. If you would like to join us as a volunteer, kindly contact Sis. Ruby Tan at 03-8938-1500 or 03-8938-1501. Thank you.