Ulu Tiram students visit Nalanda Centre

Ulu Tiram students visit Nalanda Centre

Group photograph of Ulu Tiram Buddhist Association Dhamma School students and teachers with Nalanda officers.

Ulu Tiram Buddhist Association Dhamma School students and teachers with Nalanda officers.

On Saturday 21 November, a group of Dhamma School students and six teachers from the Ulu Tiram Buddhist Association in Johor visited Nalanda Centre.   They have been planning the visit for a few months and was looking forward to their trip.  Nalanda officers gave the guests a warm welcome and took them on an educational tour of the Centre where they also learned about Buddhist culture and history.

Later, the visitors were invited to lunch before they continued on their journey home.   We thank our guests for their visit and look forward to meeting them again!

Sis. Buddhini takes some of the students on a tour of the Centre.

Sis. Buddhini (right) guiding some of the students on a tour of the Centre.

Sis. Joanne (2nd from right) and Sis. Santi (left) with the some students and teacher at Pustaka Nalanda.

Sis. Joanne (2nd from right) and Sis. Santi (left) with some students at Pustaka Nalanda.

Sis. Nandini presenting souvenirs to the students before they left for home.

Sis. Nandini presenting souvenirs to the students before they left for home.