UPM Buddhist Society Leaders meet at Nalanda

UPM Buddhist Society Leaders meet at Nalanda

The UPM Buddhist Society leaders having their 2-day management meeting at Nalanda Library.

On 25 and 26 April, the Management Committee of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Buddhist Society met at Nalanda Centre to prepare for their upcoming annual general meeting and leadership transition camp.  The student leaders also took the opportunity to call at Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan to seek his advice on strengthening the Buddhist movement on campus.  Sadhu anumodana!

UPM Buddhist students paying a courtesy visit to Bro.Tan at Nalanda office to hear his views.

Bro.Tan and Director of Nalanda Centre Sis. Nandini (left) wishing the UPM Buddhist Society all the best, while also pledging Nalanda's continued support for their future activities.