Uposatha Puja & Talk at NEO Centre Johor Bahru

Uposatha Puja & Talk at NEO Centre Johor Bahru

On Monday 8 July, Bro. Tan led the New-moon Uposatha Day Puja at NEO Centre Johor Bahru. After which, Bro.Tan gave an uplifing talk on the purpose of spiritual cultivation, which is to develop the ability to view things from a ‘Dhamma prism’ and hence obtain Right Views. The talk was very well-attended, which saw a packed Shrine-Hall. Attendees included a group of devotees from Metta Lodge led by Dr. Wong Yin Onn, and Singaporean devotees from the Buddhist Fellowship.

Bro. Tan led the congregation in the Uposatha Puja and chanting, followed by a Dhamma Talk.

Bro. Tan’s next visit to Johor Bahru is scheduled for 24-25 August.