‘Vassana’ – the Rains-Retreat

‘Vassana’ – the Rains-Retreat

Every year, Theravada bhikkhus worldwide observe the ‘Rains-retreat’ for 3 months, usually from July until October.  Monks who miss the start of ‘Vassana’ in July may begin their ‘second Vassana’ in August and end in November.

In just 10 days, the ‘Vassana’ period for the majority of monks would be ending.  Thereafter is the usually joyous and festive ‘Kathina-offering’ season, when lay devotees bring various offerings to monasteries to honour the Sangha (the Buddhist monastic order).  The most celebrated item of offering during this period is the ‘Kathina-cloth’ – a piece of white cloth which will be cut, sewn and dyed into a robe, and offered to the most deserving monk at the monastery.

Find out more about this ancient Buddhist practice by clicking here.


Nalanda Robes-Offering

Every year, Nalanda Buddhist Society celebrates and honours the Sangha (monastic order) by organizing ‘SANGHA DAY’ – which includes a public talk, as well as the offering of robes, alms-food, medicine and other requisites to monks.  Nalanda’s ‘Sangha Day’ will be observed on:

Sunday, 17 November, 9am – 12pm | Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang
Sunday, 24 November, 9am – 12pm | NEO Centre Happy Garden

We cordially invite you to participate and join in the offerings to the Sangha.  Please extend the invitation to your family and friends, too.  For more information on Nalanda’s ‘Sangha Day’ and the offerings, kindly call Nalanda Centre at 03-8938-1500/1501.