Ven. Dhammavuddho in Johor Bahru

Ven. Dhammavuddho in Johor Bahru

Ven. Dhammavuddho will be visiting NEO Centre J.B. on Thursday, 10 May. Welcome, bhante!

NEO Centre Johor Bahru is honoured to host Venerable Dhammavuddho Mahathera this Thursday, 10 May for a Dhamma talk, starting at 8.00pm.  Ven. Dhammavuddho is the founder-abbot of Vihara Buddha Gotama, a forest monastery in Perak founded mainly for the study, teaching, practice and propagation of the Buddha’s discourses, monastic discipline, and meditation.

Ven. Dhammavuddho was ordained in the Theravada tradition in 1986; he spent many years living the solitary lifestyle in quiet places.  Over the past decade, he has written many articles on Dhamma, and given numerous talks in English, Hokkien, and Cantonese.

On Friday 11 May, we cordially invite everyone to offer breakfast and lunch dāna to Ven. Dhammavuddho at 7.30am and 11.30am respectively, before his departure from Johor Bahru.  All are welcome.