K. Sri Dhammananda Memorial Day

K. Sri Dhammananda Memorial Day


Raising the National flag while singing ‘Negaraku’.

On Monday 31 August, despite it being the National day public holiday, many Nalandians and devotees congregated at Sri Serdang to commemorate the 9th anniversary of our late Spiritual Advisor, Venerable Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda’s passing.  As the day also marked our country’s Independence Day, the National Anthem ‘Negaraku’ was sung in a flag-raising ceremony.

The late Venerable’s robe was then ceremonially carried by the Society’s President Sis. Evelyn, in a short procession from Nalanda House to Nalanda Centre, accompanied by Nalanda members and music by a student ensemble.


President Sis. Evelyn leading the annual ceremonial robe-procession from Nalanda House to Nalanda Centre.

The programme continued with the placing of the late venerable’s robe into its glass casing, followed by pūja, chanting and a meditation session.  Bro. Tan was then invited to give a Dhamma talk. He shared some of his fondest memories by recollecting the late venerable’s immense kindness, compassion, intellect and wit.  The late venerable left behind a legacy of writings and Dhamma talks which were practical and beneficial.


Bro. Tan recollecting the late venerable’s immense kindness, compassion, intellect and wit.

Bro. Tan also spoke about change, personal transformation and growth.  In advising everyone to move from ‘comfort zone’ to ‘growth zone’, Bro. Tan likened it to the ‘parable of an egg’.  If an egg were hit hard from outside, it will break and life will be ended.  However, if an egg were broken from the inside, a new life thus begins.  Therefore, it is imperative that we ‘break through’ our ‘comfort zone’ by overcoming the vicissitudes we face and move forward to the ‘growth zone’.


Bro. Tan leading the congregation in calming the mind with meditation.

The Memorial Day observance ended joyfully with the toiling of bells at 12.30pm, followed by dedication of merits to the late venerable and all sentient beings. Sadhu!

‘The thought manifests as the word;
The word manifests as the deed;
The deed develops into habit;
And the habit hardens into character
So watch the thought and its way with care;
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings’

(Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda )


The Memorial Day observance ended joyfully with dedication of merits to the late venerable.