Ven. Sujatha visits Nalanda Centre

Ven. Sujatha visits Nalanda Centre

The visiting monks having a group photograph with Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan, Bro. Pee, and Sis. Sandy.

Report by Muditā Chan

On Tuesday 23 September, Venerable Sujatha Thero, Abbot of Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple in Woodstock, Illinois, USA, came to Nalanda Centre on a familiarisation visit.  He was accompanied by Venerables Indarathana and Srirathana.  The visiting Sangha members were warmly received by Nalandian officers including host Bro. Pee Che Yong, who brought the venerables on a tour of Nalanda Centre and Youth Centre.

Bro. Pee explaining the set-up of the altar with its many hidden symbols.

Ven. Sujatha was visibly impressed by the aesthetic design and peaceful ambiance of Nalanda Centre.  The venerables later met with Founder Bro. Tan, where they exchanged views on the development of Buddhism in both Malaysia and the United States, as well as on matters of spiritual cultivation.

We thank the venerables for their kind visit and wish them the best of health.  We also thank Bro. Billy Tan for arranging and facilitating the venerables’ trip.  Sadhu anumodana to Ven. Sujatha for his dedication and tireless effort in propagating the Buddha-Dhamma in America and beyond.  Namo Sanghaya!

Bro. Tan presenting some Nalanda publications to Ven. Sujatha Thero (right), Ven. Indarathana (centre), and Ven. Srirathana (left).