On Saturday 22 October, 90 members of Firefly Mission Singapore visited Nalanda Centre as part of their ‘Kathina’-season tour of Malaysia, led by their President Dr. Ng Yee Kong. This was the Mission’s fifth consecutive year visiting Nalanda, and one of the events Nalandians look forward to annually.
President Sis Evelyn led Nalanda officers to offer our Singaporean friends a warm welcome. The host-officer for their visit was Bro. Tong of Nalanda Institute. After the customary offerings to the Three Jewels, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan gave a talk on the meaning of true success in life – which is beyond worldly achievements such as wealth, possessions, status, and fame. True success is the overcoming of defilements – a moment-to-moment victory over greed, aversion and delusion.
After the uplifting talk, visitors and Nalandians enjoyed a communal lunch together. Our friends were also brought on a tour of Nalanda Centre and the Youth Centre in small groups. They later left for Sasanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary in Taiping for the ‘Kathina’ celebrations there.
Our friends were brought on a tour of Nalanda Centre in small groups, seen here at the Tipitaka Hall in the Library.
We thank members of Firefly Mission for bringing so much joy to all of us on their visit to Sri Serdang. Friendship and camaraderie indeed extend beyond boundaries, as true mettā and muditā are boundless and borderless! We look forward to welcoming you back to Nalanda again in 2017.