Visit by friends from Beji, Indonesia

Visit by friends from Beji, Indonesia

Our friends were hosted to dinner at Nalanda Book Café.

After a full day of discussions, our friends were hosted to dinner in the relaxing ambience of Nalanda Book Café in Sri Petaling.

Over the weekend of 8 and 9 April, Nalanda Centre hosted a visit by our friends from Pa-Auk Tawya Vipassanā Dhura Hermitage (PATVDH) in Beji, Java.  The group of ten was led by Bro. Phang Hok Lij on their first-ever visit to Serdang.  Upon arrival, the visitors were warmly received by Nalandians, and brought on a tour of the Centre.

Deputy President of Nalanda Bro. Charlie leading the building tour.

Deputy President of Nalanda Bro. Charlie Teng leading the building tour.

Youth Leader Bro. Disheng introducing Nalanda Youth Centre to our friends.

Youth Leader Bro. Disheng introducing Nalanda Youth Centre to our friends.

The main purpose of their visit was to meet with Nalanda founder Bro. Tan to seek his advice on organisational structuring, management, and development.  After productive discussions, our friends were hosted to a hearty dinner at Nalanda Book Café in Sri Petaling.  Rounding off their wholesome weekend visit, the group participated in the Sunday morning service to experience the dynamic learning culture at Nalanda.

Having an informal discussion session with Bro. Tan on their first day of visit.

Having an informal discussion session with Bro. Tan on their first day of visit.

A meeting on the second day to wrap up their short visit.

A formal meeting on the second day to wrap up their short fact-finding trip to Nalanda Centre.

The visit has added another link to the existing strong bonds between Indonesian Buddhist groups and Nalanda.  We truly rejoice in their good work in propagating Buddha-Dhamma in Java and beyond.  Sadhu anumodana!

On Sunday, our Indonesian friends (in red t-shirts) participated in the morning service.

On Sunday, our Indonesian friends (in red T-shirts) participated in the morning service.

Bro. Phang Hok Lij (centre) leading the offerings.

Bro. Phang Hok Lij (centre) leading the offerings to the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha.

Our friends thanking Nalandians for hosting them.

Our friends thanking Nalandians for hosting them and at the same time, inviting Bro. Tan to pay them a visit later this year.