Visit by Sri Lankan temple officers

Visit by Sri Lankan temple officers

The Sri Lankan temple officers having discussion with Bro Tan.

The Sri Lankan temple officers having discussion with Bro. Tan at Nalanda Centre.

Four officers of the Sri Dalada Maligawa (Buddha Holy Tooth Relic Temple) in Kandy, Sri Lanka recently visited Nalanda Centre for a meeting with founder Bro Tan.  Led by one of its Directors, Mr. Gamini Bandara, the officials had a two-hour discussion on recent educational programmes run by the Sri Dalada Maligawa.

Mr. Gamini Bandara briefed Bro. Tan about new courses introduced by Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (SIBA) in Kandy, as well as the development of ‘Dhammadeepa TV Channel’ – two projects run by the temple.  He invited Nalanda Buddhist Society to be a contributor to the TV channel, by airing Malaysian Dhamma programmes in Sri Lanka.

Visiting the publications and library office.

The visitors touring the publications and library office.

Bro. Tan also enquired about the range of Buddhist courses offered at SIBA.  He reportedly said that Nalanda is considering sending trainees to Buddhist institutions abroad to improve the academic quality of local lay teachers, and to broaden their horizon with experience in living in a Buddhist country.

Bro. Tan also accepted Mr. Gamini’s invitation to visit Kandy to witness the operations of SIBA and Dhammadeepa TV.   We thank our Sri Lankan friends for their kind visit, and wish them much success in their noble endeavours.