Visit by Temerloh Buddhists

Visit by Temerloh Buddhists

Bhikshuni Tian Yuan and three devotees from Chze Earn Temple.

Sis. Nandini welcoming Bhikshuni Tian Yuan and three devotees from Chze Earn Temple.

On Monday 22 August, Nalanda Centre welcomed a visit by Venerable Bhikshuni Tian Yuan (天愿法师) and three devotees from Chze Earn Temple (慈恩寺) in Temerloh, Pahang.  The venerable and devotees made that special trip to learn more about Nalanda’s education philosophy and approach.

Nalanda Centre Director Sis. Nandinī hosted the visitors and brought them on a building tour while sharing about Nalanda’s education mission.  They later met with founder Bro. Tan for further discussions.

Bro. Tan said that Malaysian Buddhist organisations and leaders should have periodic exchange of visits and frequent discussions on issue that affect our community, especially about Buddhist education.  We should learn about best practices and be prepared to improvise our approach so that we do not become ineffective given rapid changes in the world.

Ven. Tian Yuan invited Bro. Tan to visit Temerloh whenever he has time.  We thank the venerable and her devotees for their kind words and visit.  Sadhu.