Visit by Venerable Bhikkhunis

Visit by Venerable Bhikkhunis


Group photograph of venerable bhikkhunis with Nalandians and devotees at Level 1.

On Wednesday 16 September, Venerable Bhikkhuni Anulā, Bhikkhuni  Medhā and Bhikkhuni  Sumangalā visited Nalanda Centre accompanied by Sis. Tan Yee Yong.  The Director of Nalanda Centre Sis. Nandini, and Director of Dhamma School Sis. Sunanda, warmly welcomed the venerable nuns.  Sis. Nandini brought the venerables on a brief tour of Nalanda Centre and Youth Centre.


Director of Nalanda Centre Sis. Nandini taking the venerables on a building tour.

The venerable nuns were impressed by the lovely design and peaceful ambience of Nalanda Centre.  We thank the venerables for their kind visit and wish them the best of health.  We also thank Sis. Yee Yong for organising and facilitating the venerables’ visit.  Sadhu anumodana!


Admiring the serenity of the Dhamma Teaching Hall at Level 4.