Visit by Venerable Dr. Dhammapala

Visit by Venerable Dr. Dhammapala


Group photograph of Ven. Dr. Dhammapala with Bro. Tan, Nalandians and devotees.

On Tuesday 4 August, Nalanda Centre welcomed the visit by Venerable Dr. Dhammapala and several devotees from Hong Kong.  The venerable and devotees were warmly received by Director of Nalanda Centre, Sis. Nandini and Nalandians.

The visitors were brought around for a building tour of Nalanda Centre.   Our Hong Kong visitors were impressed with the functionality and aesthetic design of the Centre.  The group later met with Founder Bro. Tan and they discussed matters on spiritual cultivation in their daily living.


Venerable introducing the Hong Kong devotees to Nalandians.

We thank Ven. Dr. Dhammapala and the Hong Kong devotees for visiting Nalanda Centre and we wish his reverence the best in his noble endeavours.


Sis. Nandini wishing our visitors safe journey home.