Visitors to Nalanda Centre

Visitors to Nalanda Centre

Bro. Tan meeting with Ajahn Thipawan and Mae Chee Punissa.

Bro. Tan meeting with Ajahn Thipawan (right) and Mae Chee Punissa (second from right).

Nalanda Centre recently received the visit of Ajahn Thipawan from Thailand and Mae Chee Punnisa of Gotami Vihara, Malaysia.  It was the third time Ajahn Thipawan had visited Nalanda since her first trip here back in 2005.

Sis. Sunanda hosted Ajahn Thipawan and Mae Chee Punnisa on a tour of Nalanda Centre.  They later had a meeting with Bro. Tan and discussed developments of Buddha-Sasana in both countries.  We thank them for their kind visit and generous support towards Nalanda programmes, especially the ‘Wisdom Park’ project.  Anumodana.

Tour of Nalanda Centre.

Sis. Sunanda taking both visitors on a tour of Nalanda Centre.