Volunteers cleaning ‘KSDC’

Volunteers cleaning ‘KSDC’

K. Sri Dhammananda Centre is 96% completed; it will be handed over to Nalanda in late August.

On 15 July, volunteers were mobilised to clean K. Sri Dhammananda Centre, which was at the final stages of completion.  The spirited Nalandian team worked on Level 2 and Level 3 of the Centre, bearing vacuum-cleaners, brooms and mops to wipe away dust and debris.

Nalandians cleaning up the Altar Table mindfully and carefully.

Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn and Deputy President Bro. Charlie at work.

Work on the K. Sri Dhammananda Centre will be completed soon, and the building will be handed over by the contractors to Nalanda by the end of August.  The first programme to be held at the new Centre is scheduled on 31 August, when we mark the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Memorial Day’.  The Centre’s officiating ceremony will be held on 6 October 2018.

Cleaning up the washing and pump room at Level 3.

We would like to thank everyone who have donated and supported the construction of this wonderful facility.  May you rejoice over its impending completion and use for the propagation of Dhamma.  Sadhu anumodana!