Volunteers’ Sharing – Gan Jia Cheng

Volunteers’ Sharing – Gan Jia Cheng

Bro Gan Jia ChengBro. Gan Jia Cheng

Nalanda Dharma School Facilitator,
and Officer in Photography & Archiving Team

When I first came to Nalanda Centre, someone had told me that we ought to come in with “an open heart, and be as fresh as the first day, every day”! Since then, this advice has been the underlying mindset every time I come to Nalanda. By constantly staying fresh, this allows me to learn better and to always give my best in everything that I do. It also encourages me to find ways to improve myself, constantly.

I enjoy learning and serving at Nalanda as a volunteer very much. By learning to serve others selflessly, I experience quiet joy in what I do. In the midst of learning and volunteering, I discovered a more profound sense of spirituality. It has enriched the purpose and meaning of my life. This gives me more confidence to continue to walk on this right path. It inspires me to transform myself into a better person for the society.

Nalanda feels just like home to me, a place where I feel protected and safe in the Dhamma. Everything that we do, we do it together here as we learn and support each other selflessly. I am glad to know Nalanda, and I know that my effort leads to the betterment of the community.