Warm welcome for Indian youths

Warm welcome for Indian youths

A group of eight delegates from Maharashtra arrived on a flight from Mumbai last night.

Nalanda Centre warmly welcomed two groups of Buddhist Youth leaders from India, with a party of eight from Maharashtra arriving last night, and another group of eleven Ladakhis arriving this morning.  Svagatam!  Welcome to Malaysia.

Over the next 10 days, the Indian delegates will join their Nalandian counterparts to receive training on leadership skills, Buddhist studies, meditation, and cultural lessons.  Their visit to Malaysia is part of the “Jambudvipa-Suvarnabhumi Buddhist Youth Exchange Programme” launched in Mumbai on 26 January 2018.

This morning (27 February), another group of 11 Ladakhis was warmly welcomed at KLIA.

Arriving at Nalanda Centre late last night to a very warm welcome by Nalandian youths.

Taking the Three Refuges and observing the Five Precepts.

It is also part of Nalanda Buddhist Society’s long-term mission to revitalise the proper learning and practice of Buddhism in India.  We wish the Malaysian and Indian youth leaders a joyful and inspiring journey of Dhamma-discovery at Nalanda!

The group from Mumbai paying a courtesy call on Nalanda founder, Bro Tan.