Wellness Workshop with Dr. Ng Wai Chong

Wellness Workshop with Dr. Ng Wai Chong

We thank Dr. Ng for his advise and guidance on how to age with grace.

On Saturday 28 September, over 40 Nalanda members and volunteers explored factors leading to ageing gracefully in a Wellness Workshop led by Dr. Ng Wai Chong, Founder-CEO of NWC Longevity Practice and Head of Clinical Development of Home Nursing Foundation in Singapore. Covering WHO Active Aging Framework, such as health, lifelong learning, connectedness and security, participants learned how to prepare themselves to age well and be resilience throughout the journey.

Dr. Ng also emphasised understanding what we need as we age, understand how to support the aging community.  We extend our appreciation to Dr. Ng for this comprehensive and engaging workshop which provided more clarity on how to age with grace.

Participants sharing photographs of each other from 10 years ago and reflecting on what has changed since then.

Dr. Ng also emphasised how we should not let our mind be sick even as our body grows weak.

Participants discussed their challenges in managing the pains and aches of ageing.

Sharing of discussion outcomes.

Sharing of discussion outcomes.

Today, 1 October marks the 34th commemoration of the United Nations International Day of Older Persons themed “Ageing with Dignity: The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide”.  Let us take some time to reflect on how well we ourselves have embraced the natural process of ageing, as well as contribute to proper care and support for our elders.  May all beings be well and happy.

For more photos, please click here