Wesak Observance Organising Chairperson, Sis. Sunanda, hosting the volunteers’ appreciation session.
On Sunday 10 May, the Wesak Observance Organising Team hosted an appreciation luncheon for all volunteers and devotees who contributed to the successful 3-day Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ programme earlier this month.
A video presentation brought back sweet memories of meaningful activities during the run-up to Wesak, all done in much concord, unity and harmony. Reflections shared by Dharma School students, youths and adults from different teams were truly inspiring – generally everyone felt the joy of teamwork, commitment, and living up to Nalanda’s Core Values.
In his sharing, Bro. Tan said that the 120-strong team comprising organisers and volunteers is like a very large philharmonic orchestra. Under a skillful conductor, members of the orchestra play from their hearts; they take pride in their work, and experience joy in creating harmonious strains of music. The members’ individual skills complement that of other players, and as a result, the whole orchestras produce a wonderful performance worthy of adulation.
The entire volunteer team similarly has done very well in welcoming and hosting a few thousand visitors over 3 days of Wesak celebrations – all done mindfully, spiritually and joyfully. We thank all of you for the selfless services rendered to the community, and rejoice over your good deeds. May we continue this great spirit of kindness, generosity, and discipline long after Wesak. Sadhu anumodana!