Wholesome, joyous learning at DLCY

Wholesome, joyous learning at DLCY

The 4-day youth camp was anchored by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan, who gave insightful teachings and examples of living according to Dhamma.

Over 130 youths had a wholesome and joyous 4 days at the 3rd Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults, held at Nalanda Centre from 8th to 11th September.  Bro. Tan skilfully taught the enthusiastic participants to better understand mental suffering, in order to overcome it.  The experience of ‘Dukkha’ is inevitable in mundane life; but there is a way to the cessation of ‘Dukkha’, and that is by following the Noble Path of Dhamma.

The participants started and ended each day with meditation and chanting at Nalanda Centre.

The young adults having daily communal meals in the Srivijaya Hall.

The various teaching sessions and activities at the camp were carefully prepared to provide real-life perspectives relevant to today’s youths.  Many participants were overjoyed and inspired by the simple programme and profound sharing at the camp, which gave everyone clarity about life’s purpose and direction.  Through life’s peaks and troughs, and in facing its myriad challenges and stress, the Dhamma-way truly provides an avenue for us to suffer less.

Bro.Tan giving the evening teaching to the youths, using just simple examples but brought out the profound meaning of Dhamma relevant to daily life.

We thank the organisers – Nalanda Youth Centre – and all wonderful volunteers at the office, housekeeping, catering, and logistics for a great job!  We rejoice over the learning of the youths and wish them a fulfilling future with Dhamma!  Sadhu anumodana.

Participants were grouped into 12 ‘families’ for activities and Dhamma discussions.

Taking the opportunity to ask questions to the teacher.

The young adults volunteered their services during their stay at Nalanda.