Wise reflections for daily life

Wise reflections for daily life

Bro. Benny giving a talk on wise reflections for daily life.

Bro. Benny giving a talk on wise reflections for daily life.

On Sunday 22 November, Bro. Benny Liow gave a talk on ‘Reflections for Daily Life’.  In his talk, he said the Buddha taught two types of reflection (attention) – wise reflection (‘yoniso manasikāra’) and unwise reflection (‘ayoniso manasikāra‘).

In his explanation on why we should reflect wisely, Bro. Benny took a quote from the Sabbāsava Sutta, MN. 2, the discourse on ‘All the Taints’.  In it was mentioned that ‘for one who reflects unwisely, there arises anxieties and trouble that have not yet arisen; and anxieties and trouble that have already arisen will increase. But for one who reflects wisely, anxieties and troubles that have not yet arisen do not arise, and those that have already arisen will disappear’.

Sis. Evelyn presents a token of appreciation to Bro. Benny.

Sis. Evelyn presents a token of appreciation to Bro. Benny Liow.

And after knowing why it is important to reflect wisely, the Buddha taught us five important reflections which are stated in the Upajjhatthana Sutta, AN. 5.57. They are:

“I am subject to aging; I have not gone beyond aging.”
“I am subject to illness; I have not gone beyond illness.”
“I am subject to death; I have not gone beyond death.”
“I will grow different, separate from all that is dear and appealing to me.”
“I am the owner of my actions, heir to my actions.”

We thank Bro. Benny for his interesting and insightful talk.  Sadhu anumodana!