Working together to prepare for Buddha Day

Working together to prepare for Buddha Day

Joyful service in doing what we can for the Buddha-Sasana.

Over the past weeks, members, parents, students and devotees have each been doing their part to prepare for Buddha Day Observance which is just days away.   Whilst contributing their knowledge, skills, time and effort towards the programmes, exhibitions and in preparing Nalanda Centre, everyone is at the same time readying themselves to commemorate the Buddha’s Enlightenment in a spiritual way.

We look forward to welcome you at Nalanda Centre next week for the Wesak programmes which span Tuesday 21 May to Sunday 26 May, and together explore the theme of “Peace begins with Me”.  All are welcome.

Families work together to prepare.

Youths working happily together.

Preparing the coloured cloths which will adorn the front of Nalanda Centre.

Sisters working harmoniously together to clean the facade of the Centre.

Looking out for each other.

Joyful smiles during service.

Joyful smiles during service.

Working together with care.

Joyful smiles during service.