World Buddhist Conference 2012

World Buddhist Conference 2012

The memorable moment of all Conference organisers together with speakers and moderators. It was a fruitful weekend, attended by many who have benefited from the Dhamma talks.

The World Buddhist Conference 2012, organised by Buddhist Gem Fellowship, Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia and Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia, and supported by various Buddhist organisations in Malaysia and the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth, was successfully held over the weekend from 3-4 November at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur.

All smiles by the Nalandian delegates at the World Buddhist Conference.

Nalanda Buddhist Society, being one of the supporting organisers, was represented by a team of Nalandians at the conference. We were delighted to join 500 other delegates in discovering the teachings of the Buddha under the theme “Transcending Negative Emotions – Creating Happiness and Well-being in Our Lives”.

Our committed volunteers engaging with the conference delegates at the Nalanda information counter.