Worldly and spiritual prosperity

Worldly and spiritual prosperity

Charlie Chia comparing the qualities of worldly and spiritual wealth.

Veteran speaker Datuk Charlie Chia comparing the qualities of worldly and spiritual wealth.

Report by Megan.

On Sunday 5 February, Datuk Charlie Chia spoke about the importance of both worldly and spiritual wealth for lay people. He said that having the right measure in both kinds of wealth is important along one’s journey of cultivation.

As lay Buddhists, the pursuit and accumulation of worldly wealth is permitted within the boundaries of morality.  However, we should understand that material wealth can only do so much for us, and cannot bring us beyond suffering.

The Sunday Service begins with a meditation session to calm our minds.

The Sunday Service at Nalanda Centre usually begins with a meditation session to calm our minds.

Bro. Vincent Lee (middle) leading the offerings to Three Jewels.

Nalanda Board Member Bro. Vincent Lee (middle) leading the offerings to the Three Jewels.

Apart from meeting basic needs, we may wisely share our wealth with the needy through charity and offerings.  Performing generous actions that benefit oneself and others brings us ‘spiritual prosperity’.

Devotees enjoying Datuk Charlie Chia's sharing.

Devotees enjoying Datuk Charlie Chia’s sharing.

We must also bear in mind that worldly prosperity does not only come in the form of material possessions, but also good health.  Having nutritious food, good rest, and exercise is important for our physical well-being.  Having nourished the body, we then nurture the mind through the cultivation of Noble Eightfold Path.

With Right Understanding and balanced practice, we achieve all forms of well-being and attain true ‘wealth’.  Sadhu anumodana.