Bro. Sek Chin Yong (in dark blue shirt) meeting Bro. Tan, Bro. Charlie (left), and Sis. Nandini (right) at Nalanda Centre.
After attending a dialogue session with UPM Buddhist Society at Nalanda Centre on 23 May, Bro. Sek Chin Yong, Vice President of the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM), made a courtesy call at Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan where they had a brief exchange on youth matters.
Bro. Sek Chin Yong also visited the newly-opened Nalanda Youth Centre. He expressed his satisfaction and happiness in seeing this milestone development in the local Buddhist youth scene. We would like to quote his thoughts on the Youth Centre, which he penned a few days after his visit.
– Bro. Sek Chin Yong, Vice President, Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia.