2024 has been a very spirited and fruitful year for Nalanda Youth Centre, filled with many learning, service, outreach, and leadership programmes that left a deep positive impact on the community and everyone’s personal growth. After a year of dedication, 25 leaders and core members of Nalanda Youth Centre gathered at Wisdom Park from 31 October to 2 November for the annual Fuel-Up Camp to reflect on how the youths have worked together for the year, realign values, principles and culture, and recharge for the year ahead.
The Camp included several “M.O.V.E. Sessions” that explored “Moving Onward with Vision & Energy”, conducted by Youth Mentors Sis. Nandinī Tan and Bro. Lee Kong Foo as well as Youth Centre senior leaders Bro. Yeo Disheng and Bro. Ajit Lim. The sessions inspired the youths to recognise their pivotal role in the Youth Centre and understand the important principles upheld to grow the community of youth Dhamma practitioners. The youths also took the opportunity to express appreciation and gratitude towards one another, deepening their friendships and kindling their motivation to promote the learning and practice of Dhamma at the Youth Centre.
Understanding our roles at the Youth Centre deeper with Youth Mentor Bro. Lee Kong Foo. Bro. Kong Foo previously served as President of Nalanda Buddhist Society and is currently a Board Member.
Deepening spirituality with Youth Mentor Sis. Nandinī Tan. Sis. Nandinī is a founding member of Nalanda Buddhist Society and currently serves as the Executive Secretary and Director of Nalanda Centre.
Youth Leader Bro. Yap Kuan Yi bringing the leaders and members together to chart the way forward for the Youth Centre.
We celebrate the friendships, energy and dedication of the youth leaders who continue the impactful legacy of the Youth Centre since 2012. We wish them conditions for success and continuous growth in their spiritual endeavours!
With every piece coming together, a full picture is completed. Similarly, everyone coming together and playing their part brings a big difference to the community!
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