Youths explore historic Malacca

Youths explore historic Malacca

Bro. Irvyn Wongso and Nalandian youths in Malacca.

Bro. Irvyn Wongso (front, middle) and Nalandian youths on a half-day Malacca excursion.

During their 3-day stay in Malacca to attend the Seck Kia Eenh Temple leadership workshop, Nalandian youths took the opportunity to explore the historical city of Malacca.  The quaint city centre had been inscribed by UNESCO as a ‘World Heritage Site’ in 2008, and is quite worth at least a half-day tour.

The youths were truly fortunate to have Bro. Tan leading their exploration.  With his incredible grasp of local history, it was a most enlightening outing for everyone.  Joining them was Bro. Irvyn Wongso from Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia, who was also in town for the same workshop.

Porta de Santiago, Malacca.

Bro. Tan relating the stories of ‘Porta de Santiago’, the only surviving gate of the former Portuguese bastion (fortaleza) of Malacca, and how it was ‘saved’ by Sir Stamford Raffles in the early 19th century.

The youths visiting the ruins of St. Paul's Church.

The youths visiting the ruins of St. Paul’s Church.