Youths fuel-up for 2023

Youths fuel-up for 2023

Nalanda youths fuelled-up for 2023!

From 30 December 2022 to 2 January 2023, 20 Nalanda youth leaders and members gathered for their annual Fuel-up Camp to discuss the Youth Centre’s progress and gear up for the year ahead.  After an active and joyful year of reaching out with various youth programmes and leadership exchanges, they also reflected on their journey on a personal and organisational level.

Appreciation dinner and a night of joyful togetherness.

The camp started with Youth Leader Bro. Ajit thanking everyone for a tremendous year together, and bringing positive impact to so many young Buddhists.

Discussing personal reflections and aspirations opened the youths’ hearts to each other.

Sharings and presentations on how to work well together.

Deputy Youth Leader Bro. Kuan Yi sharing his thoughts on working well together despite our differences. When we share a common mission, we are able to overcome conflicts and challenges.

Leadership chat with Nalanda leaders Sis. Paru and Sis. Nandini on overcoming challenges when serving the community.

Considering the challenges faced by youths today, the group discussed ways to drive more impactful programmes for their peers to gain a better understanding of universal truths in life, and hence be equipped to overcome the inevitable challenges they will face.

We rejoice over the amazing energy and spirit of Dhamma propagation embodied by our youths and we wish them success in their endeavours!

As 2022 drew to a close, our youths took the opportunity to thank and ask for forgiveness from all the leaders and seniors who have provided their relentless support and encouragement throughout the years.

A sunny fun-filled day out to Kuala Kubu Bharu!

Simple games and a picnic.

A fun ride where everyone works together.

The youths grabbed the opportunity to seek advice from Ven. Ajahn Vajiro on their spiritual practice during his visit to Wisdom Park.

We thank all the youth leaders and members for joining this retreat.