Youths host Sunway University Buddhist Society

Youths host Sunway University Buddhist Society

We thank our friends from Sunway University Buddhist Society for visiting us and look forward to see them again at Nalanda Centre.

On Sunday 28 August, Nalanda Youth Centre hosted 20 students from Sunway University Buddhist Society at the weekly Youth Sunday Service. After the morning meditation and chanting, a youth forum was moderated by Sis. Lim Xin to explore how young adults can face uncertainty at different junctures in their lives.

Young Nalandians shared their experiences of when they faced challenges in their studies and work, and how they developed the courage to overcome these difficulties in various aspects of life. It was an inspiring session as the youths reflected on different perspectives including being equanimous when faced with problems beyond our control.

The service starts with a short meditation sitting, offerings to the Three Jewels and chanting.

Youth Leader Bro. Ajit leads the group in the morning chanting.

Everyone participated in a simple ice-breaking game which required patience and teamwork.

Sis. Lim Xin moderated the youth forum. Forum speakers were Bro. Chan Yu (far left), Sis. Sumana Lim (second from right), and Sis. Yeoh Wei En (far right).

Bro. Chan Yu shared that by accepting the fact of impermanence in our lives, we can focus on solving the problem and not wallowing in the past or be anxious about the future.

In her Dhamma sharing, Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy reminded us that problems and challenges make us stronger if we consciously and mindfully face them with courage and wisdom. Having kalyana mittas (good friends) to support us will also help us through difficult times. Therefore, we should not despair and lament when life becomes difficult, but take it as an opportunity to grow and be better.

The students were then brought on tour of Nalanda Centre and learned about Buddhist culture, heritage and the values behind the symbolic architecture. We thank our friends from Sunway University for visiting us at Nalanda Youth Centre. As fellow youths, we hope to continue our spiritual cultivation together in more wholesome programmes.

Sis. Paru advised the young adults that problems are an inevitable part of life which we must face with patience, courage and wisdom.

Bro. Shan, President of the Sunway University Buddhist Society, conveyed his thanks for hosting them and also giving supporting their activities i.e. for Dhamma talks.

Everyone’s spirit was high as they participated in a song by the ‘Spirited Team’.

Bro. Disheng brought the students around Nalanda Centre for a building tour..

At the Main Shrine Hall on Level 1, Bro. Disheng explains the symbolism of the Buddha altar.