Sis. Sunanda leading a discussion with Nalanda youths on ‘Paṭicca Samuppāda’ (Dependent Origination).
On Thursday 4 February, a small group of Nalandian youths gathered just before the Chinese New Year holidays for an insightful learning on one of the Buddha’s profound teaching – the Paṭicca Samuppāda (Dependent Origination). The session which was guided by Sis. Sunanda had everyone thinking about the cause of our ‘existence’.
Referring to the Sammāditthi Sutta (MN 9), Sis. Sunanda guided the youths in learning about the essence of Right View. Through our delusions, we develop craving (tanha) for pleasant sensations and aversion to unpleasant sensations, which lead us to attachment (upadana) and becoming (bhava), thus perpetuating our cycle of death and rebirth.
We thank Sis. Sunanda for facilitating such a fruitful session which helped to make our CNY celebrations this year more meaningful and spiritual. Sadhu anumodana!