Nalanda Institute Latest Publications

Title : BPS144 Dhammapada
The Path to Liberation
Type : Commentarial Course Note Book
Editor : H S Tan
Issue : September 2009 NIM 0803B
Printed : 1,000 copies

This Note-book was published and distributed free to the participants of Course BPS144 - Dhammapada Commentary: The Path to Liberation. It contains selected verses from eight chapters of the Dhammapada in Pali and their English translation.

Free for course participants.

Title : Community
Volume 1; Issue 2
Type : News-journal for Buddhist Educationists
Editor : H S Tan, S. Vijaya, K Y Chan
Issue : October 2008 NIM 0820B
Printed : 1,500 copies

This second issue of the Quarterly aims to acquaint the Malaysian Buddhist educational community with the latest development and courses offered by the Institute. It also contains insightful articles written by members of the Dhamma propagation fraternity.

Free distribution.