Yamaka Vagga (The Twin Verses)

Verse 1 & 2

Mano pubbangamā dhammā
manosetthā manomayā
Manasā ce padutthena
bhāsati vā karoti vā
Tato nam dukkhamanveti
cakkam’va vahato padam
Mind is the forerunner of all states.
Mind is chief;
mind-made are they.
If one speaks or acts with wicked mind,
because of that, suffering follows one,
even as the wheel follows the hoof of
the draught-ox.

Mano pubbangamā dhammā
manosetthā manomayā
Manasā ce pasannena
bhāsati vā karoti vā
Tato nam sukhamanveti
chāyā’va anapāyinī

Mind is the forerunner of all states.
Mind is chief;
mind-made are they.
If one speaks or acts with pure mind,
because of that, happiness follows one,
even as one’s shadow that never leaves.
mano mind

pubbangama preceding; coming before; forerunner

dhammā states (of existence)

manosettha led by the mind

manomaya produced by mind

manasa [ Adj. ] having a mind

padutthena with wickedness

bhāsati (he) speaks


karoti (he) acts

tato nam because of that

dukkhamanveti suffering follows one

cakkam [eva] [ just as ] the wheel

vahato leading

padam foot [ here meaning the hoof of an ox ]

pasannena with clear, bright, pious (mind)

sukhamanveti happiness follows one

chāyā [eva] [ just as ] shadow

anapāyinī (that) does not leave