Yamaka Vagga (The Twin Verses)

Verse 11 & 12

Asāre sāramatino
sāre casāradassino

Te sāram nadhigacchanti

micchā sankappagocarā
The unessential they imagine as essential,
in the essential they see as unessential,
they never realize the essence,
who entertain (such) wrong thoughts.

Sārañ ca sārato ñatvā
asārañ ca asārato
Te sāram adhigacchanti
sammā sankappagocarā

What is essential they understood as essential,
what is unessential they regard as unessential,
they realize the essence,
who entertain (such) right thoughts.
asāre unessential

sāramatino imagine as essential

sāre essential

asāradassino see as unessential

te they

sāram the essence

na adhigacchanti do not understand

micchā sankappa wrong thoughts

gocarā [ Fig. ] entertain, tend towards, feeding upon

sārañ (the) essential

sārato as essential

ñatvā understood

asārañ (the) non-essential

asārato unessential

adhigacchanti understand

sammā sankappa right thoughts