Yamaka Vagga (The Twin Verses)

Verse 19 & 20

Bahum’pi ce sahitam bhāsamāno
na takkaro hoti naro pamatto
Gopo’vo gāvo ganayam paresam
na bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti
Though much he recites the Sacred texts,
but acts not accordingly,
that heedless man is like a cowherd
who counts others’ kine.  He has no share in the fruits of the Holy Life.

Appam’pi ce sahitam bhāsamāno
dhammassa hoti anudhammacārī
Rāgañ ca dosañ ca pahāya moham
sammappajāno suvimuttacitto
Anupādiyāno idha vā huram vā
sa bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti

Though little he recites the Sacred texts,
but acts according to the teaching,
forsaking lust, hatred and ignorance,
truly knowing, with mind well-liberated,
clinging to naught here and hereafter,
he shares the fruits of the Holy Life.
bahum much

sahitam [ Fig. ] the Sacred texts

bhāsamāno recites, speaks of

na ... hoti is not

takkaro a doer (of what he said)

na takkaro hoti not a person who does it

naro a man

pamatto (who is) negligent; slothful; indolent

gopo [ = gopāla ] a cowherd

gāvo bull

ganayam [ From ganeti ] counts

paresam other people’s

bhāgavā the Blessed One (i.e. the Buddha)

sāmañña perfect knowledge – thus the fruits of the Holy Life

assa his (i.e. the Buddha’s)

appam little

dhammassa with the Dhamma

anudhammacārī living in conformity to (the Dhamma)

rāgañ lust

ca and

dosañ hatred

pahāya having given up, having forsaken

moham delusion, ignorance

sammappajāno truly knowing, rightly understood

suvimuttacitto with mind well-liberated

anupādiyāno does not cling, not clinging to

idha here


huram hereafter

sa he