Yamaka Vagga (The Twin Verses)

Verse 3 & 4

Akkocchi mam avadhi mam
ajini mam ahāsi me
Ye tam upanayhantī
veram tesam na sammati
“He abused me, he beat me,
he defeated me, he robbed me”,
in those who harbour such thoughts,
hatred is not appeased.

Akkocchi mam avadhi mam
ajini mam ahāsi me
Ye tam na upanayhantī
veram tesūpasammati

“He abused me, he beat me,
he defeated me, he robbed me”,
in those who do not harbour such thoughts,
hatred is appeased.
akkocchi [ Aor. of akkosati ] scolded, reviled, abused (by speech)

mam [ Accusative ] me

avadhi [ Aor. of vadhati ] struck, beat

ajini [ Aor. of jayati ] defeated

ahāsi [ Aor. of harati ] taken away by force, plundered, robbed

me [ = aham ] me

ye tam in those (who)

upanayhantī bears enmity, grudge

veram hatred, hostility

tesam their

na does not

sammati appeased, calmed, ceased

upasammati [ = upa + sammati ] is allayed, calmed, appeased