Yamaka Vagga (The Twin Verses)

Verse 9 & 10

Anikkasāvo kāsāvam
yo vattham paridahessati
Apeto damasaccena
na so kāsāvam arahati
If he who is stained with defilements,
should put on the yellow robe,
without self-control and being untruthful,
he is unworthy of wearing it.

Yo ca vantakasāv’assa
sīlesu susamāhito
Upeto damasaccena
sa ve kāsāvam arahati

He who is purged of all stains,
is well-established in virtue,
endowed with self-control and truthfulness,
he indeed is worthy of the yellow robe.
anikkasāvo stained with defilements

kāsāvam the yellow robe (= monk’s robe)

vattham Lit. garment (i.e. a monk’s yellow robe)

paridahessati to put on, to clothe (in)

apeto damasaccena without self-control and untruthful

na so he is not

arahati worthy (of the robe)

vantakasāv’assa he who is free from stains

sīlesu with virtue and morality

susamāhito well-established

upeto damasaccena with self-control and truthful

sa ve he indeed