Parabhava Sutta

Verse 11 & 12

Iti hetam vijānāma
Pañcamo so parābhavo

Chatthamam Bhagavā brūhi

Kim parābhavato mukham
This we learn
is the fifth cause of one’s downfall. 
Pray, O Blessed One,
tell us the sixth cause of one’s downfall.

Pahūtavitto puriso
Sahirañño sabhojano
Eko bhuñjati sādūni
Tam parābhavato mukham

The man who owns much property,
who has gold and food, but selfishly
enjoys his delicacies (without sharing them) –
this is the cause of one’s downfall.
pañcamo the fifth

chatthamam sixth

pahūta abundant

vitto treasure, property

puriso man

sahirañño he has gold

sabhojano he has food

eko one(self)

bhuñjati enjoys

sādūni (what is) sweet, nice, pleasant