Parabhava Sutta

Verse 13 & 14

Iti hetam vijānāma
Chatthamo so parābhavo
Sattamam Bhagavā brūhi
Kim parābhavato mukham
This we learn
is the sixth cause of one’s downfall. 
Pray, O Blessed One,
tell us the seventh cause of one’s downfall.

Jātitthaddho dhanatthaddho
Gottatthaddho ca yo naro
Saññātim atimaññeti
Tam parābhavato mukham

The man who takes pride in his birth,
wealth and clan, and
despises even his own kinsmen –
this is the cause of one’s downfall.
chatthamo the sixth

sattamam seventh

jātitthaddho proud of one’s birth

dhanatthaddho proud of one’s wealth

gottatthaddho proud of one’s clan

saññātim one’s own kinsmen

atimaññeti slight, despise, show conceit