Parabhava Sutta

Verse 17 & 18

Iti hetam vijānāma
Atthamo so parābhavo
Navamam Bhagavā brūhi
Kim parābhavato mukham
This we learn
is the eighth cause of one’s downfall. 
Pray, O Blessed One,
tell us the ninth cause of one’s downfall.

Sehi dārehi asantuttho
Vesiyāsu padissati
Dissati paradāresu
Tam parābhavato mukham

Not contented with one’s own wife,
he is seen among prostitutes
and the wives of others –
this is the cause of one’s downfall.
atthamo the eighth

navamam ninth

sehi dārehi with his (own) wife

asantuttho not contented

vesiyāsu (with) prostitute, harlot

padissati appearing, being seen

dissati to be seen

para others’

dāresu (with) wives

paradāresu with other people’s wives