Parabhava Sutta

Verse 23 & 24

Iti hetam vijānāma
Ekādāsamo so parābhavo

Dvādasamam Bhagavā brūhi

Kim parābhavato mukham
This we learn
is the eleventh cause of one’s downfall. 
Pray, O Blessed One,
tell us the twelfth cause of one’s downfall.

Appabhogo mahātanho
Khattiye jāyate kule
So ca rajjam patthayati
Tam parābhavato mukham

He who has little wealth
but great ambition (due to greed),
is born a Khattiya but aspires to
(an unattainable) kingship –
this is the cause of one’s downfall.
ekādasamo the eleventh

dvādasamam twelfth

appabhogo few possessions, little wealth

mahātanho great ambition [ i.e. being very ambitious ]

khattiye belonging to the Khattiya caste

jāyate born

kule (in the) family

so he

ca and

rajjam kingship, sovereignty, throne

patthayati aspires to, wishing for