Parabhava Sutta

Verse 5 & 6

Iti hetam vijānāma
Dutiyo so parābhavo
Tatiyam Bhagavā brūhi
Kim parābhavato mukham
This we learn
is the second cause of one’s downfall. 
Pray, O Blessed One,
tell us the third cause of one’s downfall.

Niddāsīlī sabhāsīlī
Anutthātā ca yo naro
Alaso kodhapaññāno
Tam parābhavato mukham

He who is drowsy, fond of society,
not diligent, indolent,
and who is of fiery temper –
this is the cause of one’s downfall.
dutiyo the second

tatiyam third

niddāsīlī drowsy, slothful habit, sleepy

sabhāsīlī fond of society and socializing

anutthātā not diligent, not hardworking

ca and

yo he (is)

naro man

alaso idle, lazy, slack, indolent

kodhapaññāno fiery temperament